When signed in with their username and password, members can:

  • Update their contact information
  • Upload a photo for their member or family profile
  • Use the email function

 When you’re ready to share the directory with your congregation, we can generate usernames and passwords for you.

You have four first name/last name USERNAME options:  john.smith, johnsmith, j.smith or jsmith.

You have two PASSWORD options:

  1. A unique and random password can be generated for each member, or
  2. The same password can be sent to every member.
  • Members can change their password when they log in.

If someone forgets their password, you can open the member profile, type a new password and click update.  Passwords are encrypted so you can’t see passwords, but you can always reset them.

As new members join your church, you can assign usernames and passwords by filling in the appropriate fields in the member profile.