Kindle App!

Kindle App!

In addition to being available in the Google Play and iTunes stores, our online member directory mobile app is now available in the Amazon App Store and can be used on iPhones, iPads, iMacs, Android devices, the Kindle and Kindle Fire! The customer reviews continue to...
Building a Member Directory Team

Building a Member Directory Team

So, you’re ready to put your member directory online? Great! Want to put together a member directory team? Smart decision! We don’t need to accomplish every task on our own. It’s ok to ask for help! An effective team, working together and sharing the load, will make...
Welcome to Your 30 Day Trial

Welcome to Your 30 Day Trial

Welcome to Online Church Directory!  We are so pleased you’re taking advantage of our 30-day free trial directory. We hope you find it’s the perfect fit for your church family! General timeline  You control the pace and progression of launching your directory. We are...
Launch Suggestions

Launch Suggestions

Form a Committee We suggest you form a “Launch Committee” at least 4 weeks prior to launching your Online Directory Campaign. We suggest having a minimum of 5 Launch Committee members.  This allows the responsibilities to be shared among several people and also...
Usernames & Passwords

Usernames & Passwords

When signed in with their username and password, members can: Update their contact information Upload a photo for their member or family profile Use the email function  When you’re ready to share the directory with your congregation, we can generate usernames and...